Art Of The Ninja: Earth

Art Of The Ninja: Earth
First Book in the Shadow Legacy Series

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Rebirth of the Ninja: Spirit

Coming Sept 2015 is the last book in the Shadow Legacy series

Rebirth of the Ninja: Spirit is sure to be a fantastic ending to an amazing 5 book series.  Fantasy that reads like a good manga defines this series and it's the only one of it's kind.  If you haven't given this series a try you might be pleasantly surprised. Stories written by TJ Perkins have the reputation of "you can't stop reading once you start!"  All books by TJ Perkins will capture your imagination and keep you glued until you finish.

TJ Perkins is a rare author that has books expanding from ages 0 - 20. Start reading very young and keep going until you're all grown up!