Art Of The Ninja: Earth

Art Of The Ninja: Earth
First Book in the Shadow Legacy Series

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Are You Picking up What I'm Puttin Down?!

Shadow Legacy has been a rough ride.  It took 5 years to complete this 5 book series, but it was well worth it.  Stuffed full of magic, creative killing, special powers, weapons and some pretty amazing characters, I couldn't resist keeping the mystery tone within the pages.  Yes, mystery was my first love and since I've written 8 mystery books for middle school kids (they're still available, by the way) I had to keep the trend going.

My other love is my own spiritual belief and I couldn't help but to put a bit of New Age flare into my character's special magical abilities.  Doing so has sparked a whole new type of fantasy and reviewers are calling the Shadow Legacy series "fantasy that reads like a good manga."

So, if you're looking for something anime, manga, fantasy, something TOTALLY different, then try the Shadow Legacy series.  I guarantee you'll fall in love with it!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Free book!!

Woo Hoo!  Alright, here we go!  Silver Leaf Books will have book 5 in the Shadow Legacy series FREE for Kindle only staring Sept 5. Not sure the cut-off date.  Here's the link to jump on this fantastic deal.

Monday, July 6, 2015

That last book in the Shadow Legacy series is now out!

Here it is for all of you waiting, and waiting, and waiting - the final book in the Shadow Legacy series - Rebirth of the Ninja: Spirit

Here's the link to order it now.  I believe my publisher will have it for FREE as an ebook sometime soon.  Enjoy!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Rebirth of the Ninja: Spirit

Coming Sept 2015 is the last book in the Shadow Legacy series

Rebirth of the Ninja: Spirit is sure to be a fantastic ending to an amazing 5 book series.  Fantasy that reads like a good manga defines this series and it's the only one of it's kind.  If you haven't given this series a try you might be pleasantly surprised. Stories written by TJ Perkins have the reputation of "you can't stop reading once you start!"  All books by TJ Perkins will capture your imagination and keep you glued until you finish.

TJ Perkins is a rare author that has books expanding from ages 0 - 20. Start reading very young and keep going until you're all grown up!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Shadow's Master - All New Short Story

His life now a ruin by the very shadow jutsu he was born to weld, Tsubasa must learn to enslave the living energy or become a slave to them. With all else worth living for gone in his life, he strives for nothing more than to be the ultimate assassin, a feared killing machine and the shadow’s master.

Get this short story spin-off from the Shadow Legacy series that covers the past life of Tsubasa, the mysterious assassin from Book 2 Power of the Ninja: Fire, only .99 on Kindle. FREE Jan 5 to Jan 9.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Finally Released - book 4 in the Shadow Legacy series

It's been a long time waiting for it, but it's finally out and ready for purchase Truth of the Ninja: Air.  Available as ebook or soft cover you can get it anywhere and in any format.  There will be a select time for the FREE Kindle select and I will let you know when.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

FREE short story Shadow's Daughter

I've written a short story about Jewel, Duncan's older sister.  This is an off-the-grid story spin-off from the Shadow Legacy series.  I'm hoping the reader will get to know this elusive character a bit better.  Enjoy!

For a short time Silver Leaf Books is releasing Shadow's Daughter as a Kindle exclusive short for FREE Jan 5 to Jan 9.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Short Stories/Back Stories

I now have out an all new short story that goes with the Shadow Legacy series.  This is about Jewel, Duncan's older sister and takes place before the Shadow Legacy series.  Enjoy!

Shadow's Daughter: Flight of the Fox can be purchased for .99 here:

Brief Plot Summary: 

Once a killer and thief for hire, Jewel is reluctantly being controlled by a mad man bent on world domination. Her brother's life hangs in the balance and she must use every trick at her disposal to save him and obtain a rare magical artifact or lose that which is most precious to her.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Reviews Posted

Several reviews of Art of the Ninja: Earth, Power of the Ninja: Fire and Heart of the Ninja: Water have popped up on Kindle and Goodreads.  I also put them on my website  and on Silver Leaf Books website

It's awesome to get such wonderful feedback. Please feel free to post your comments!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Dark Ninja Arts

What is considered the Dark Ninja Arts?  As we all know the ninja uses trickery as much as he/she can to win a fight.  To loose means death.  There are no other options than to win.  But there is an honor to the fight/battle and to winning, and to do so using the utmost deceitful trickery is considered a dishonor.

Many may think, "So what? I would do what I can just to win if it meant living."  True. But to call on the dark forces to do your bidding is not honorable.  Think of it as cheating during a game or competition. If you win and get the trophy under deceitful terms was it really winning?

Duncan Kimura and his team face such foes in further books of the Shadow Legacy series.  They share inner struggles with what is right and wrong, honorable and dishonorable, during a battle.  "But they're ninja!" you say.  Yes, but there is deep honor in the ninja way.  Think about it....